The Garden Goes Green

Operating a 100 year old and newly restored Movie Palace and Performing Arts center uses a lot of energy. It’s been a goal of The Garden for years to make use of our extensive roof space to support a greener Garden, a greener Frankfort and a greener planet. That dream is finally a reality. We are pleased to announce the completion of the initial phase of installing a solar garden on the roof of the theater.  Working with CBS Solar, the installation of 120 solar arrays is complete. The predicted annual energy production is 58,000 kWh. Pure Michigan clean energy is currently being generated! The $175,000 project was funded by over 350 dedicated gifts. The completion of this incredible project is another example of the extraordinary support the community has invested in The Garden Theater.

Given how The Garden operates we’re only expecting to be able to tap into 20% of that total, which means that 80% of the energy generated through our solar panels will go back into the grid.  The estimated yearly savings in utility costs will be in excess of $6,500 which will allow The Garden to put additional funds into our programming, which in turn will provide more  music, film, art and cultural events that will benefit the entire Northwest Lower Michigan arts and culture community.

The second phase of the solar project will be to evaluate the appropriate battery storage options and applicable expense to capture excess energy generation and keep onsite for future use. The installation of battery storage is another key component of  The Garden’s strategic direction to reduce the energy impact of theater operations. Follow along with phase two of the project on our website and social media.